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Ben Fielding & Harry Grieve: Gensyn – The Deep Learning Compute Protocol

Episode Summary

We are joined by the project's co-founders Ben Fielding and Harry Grieve, to talk about their protocol, the focus and vision of Gensyn, and various trade-offs to bring Machine Learning compute power to the mass.

Episode Notes

Artificial Intelligence is a fascinating field that has made tremendous development over the past few years. From GPT-3 to Dall-e and Stable Diffusion, the vastness of the scope of applications for AI and neural computing is becoming clearer than ever. At the base layer, there is a need for decentralized p2p AI compute platform that provides flexible access to the wider public. Gensyn sets out on the mission to provide just that by building a market place protocol for AI compute - ultra-low cost, hyperscale, permissionless.

In today’s episode we are joined by the project's co-founders Ben Fielding and Harry Grieve. We take a deep dive into the current landscape for AI and AI compute, the reasonings and trade-offs in building Gensyn, the protocol’s focus and edge cases, and how the protocol is utilizing the blockchain technology as both incentive layer and credibly neutral platform.

Topics covered in this episode:

Episode links:


This episode is hosted by Friederike Ernst. Show notes and listening options: epicenter.tv/471