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Carl Beekhuizen & Trent van Epps: Ethereum Foundation – EIP-4844 & KZG Ceremony

Episode Summary

EIP-4844, known as proto-danksharding, sets the foundation for data sharding. We're joined by Carl Beekhuizen & Trenton Van Epps from Ethereum Foundation, to discuss about EIP-4844 & KZG ceremony.

Episode Notes

The recent advancements of layer 2 scaling solutions, especially zero-knowledge rollups, led to a complete redesign of Ethereum’s scalability roadmap. As a result, the initial concept of sharding the execution layer was abandoned and replaced by the idea of data sharding. This proposal, named after its author, is know as Danksharding. EIP-4844 is also referred to as proto-danksharding as it sets the foundation for data sharding, through the introduction of data blobs.

We were joined by Carl Beekhuizen & Trenton Van Epps from the Ethereum Foundation, to discuss about the upcoming EIP-4844 timeline and its KZG ceremony.

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This episode is hosted by Friederike Ernst. Show notes and listening options: epicenter.tv/478